Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sometimes it just doesn't work...

I don't usually have recipes fail. Here's a little tribute to Martha Stewart:

It's hard to tell, but this cake is completely sunken. Plus a whole lot of butter dripped into the oven and it reeks. Here's what happened.

I used this recipe. I had used it before and remembered that the cupcakes turned out flat. I read the comments and someone mentioned that the video called for 2 TBSP baking powder but the recipe only called for 1. So I decided to try the 2. Mistake number 1.

The recipe did not call for softened butter. I let my butter soften for a little while, but not all the way. As a result, my batter had huge clumps of butter that melted and dripped out in the oven causing a mess. Mistake number 2.

The extra baking powdered caused the batter to expand too much that it fell. The picture is har to see. The cupcakes rose so much that they spilled over the sides. Now I have butter and cake batter on the bottom of my oven. Nice.

One day I will try this recipe again, but it will be a little while. I need to take a small break.

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